Your Child
Your Child
Your 17 page Zodiac Child Report is based totally on your child's unique astrological profile. In it you will find easy-to-understand suggestions and insights based on this profile that you may not be aware of for many years to come. By reading this report, you will know your child's character traits before they even blossom! You will be in a better position to guide your child through life and make the best possible decisions for them that are consistent with their natal blueprint!
All parents want the best for their children. We want our children to live happy and fulfilled lives and to reach their full potential. This can be achieved by recognizing and accepting each child’s individual gifts and weaknesses. In accepting these traits, we can help our children overcome obstacles and provide them with as many opportunities as possible to develop their talents. This report covers family and friends, your child's talents and ideal educational environment, goals and childhood journey.
Your Health
Your Health
This completely personalised 30 page Health & Wellbeing Report is based on your unique astrological profile. It aims to help you further identify and transform imbalances in your life while focusing on your health and well-being from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual perspective. The report does not give you medical advice, but it does define some of the psychosomatic (mental/emotional) causes of ill health that may potentially affect you. The real way to optimum health is to identifying these underlying causations and take preventative measures to maintain good health.
The report contains information on your general temperament, emotional health, spiritual essence, vitality and life force, managing physical demands, your physical body and energy levels, strengths and sensitivities, your inner needs and outer experiences, your work and health (managing stress), healing solutions and key parts of the body.
Your Relationships
Your Relationships
This totally personalised 30 page Kindred Spirits Report includes insights into your close relationships with partners, family and friends. The report reveals your relationship patterns and offers insights into how to meet your needs in friendship and intimacy. It will help you foster more fulfilling relationships or expand your existing ones. Your report will also help you to understand the patterns you bring to all your relationships. Simply by understanding these patterns, you can turn them into opportunities for growth.
By reading this report, you'll have a much better understanding of why you attract the kinds of people you do in your life and you'll be more aware of how to form and maintain healthy and loving relationships in the future.
Your Soul Path
Your Soul Path
The 20 page Soul Path Report reveals different aspects of your soul's expression. Your natal or birth chart is your soul's blueprint for this lifetime. You'll see current challenges and opportunities. You'll see different habitual patterns that operate in your life - some of which you may not even be aware of!
The report describes strategies to break free of some of these unhelpful patterns so that you can move on to become a more empowered human being.
You'll gain a deeper understanding of your life and a new found acceptance of who you are, where you've come from and where you're going. You'll be able to decide on life strategies that work in harmony with your authentic self, thus bringing you into alignment with your true purpose.
The aim of the report is to help you to reach your full potential.
Your Vocation
Your Vocation
Your personalised 30 page Vocation Report contains in-depth insights into your soul's expression through career. The report is totally personalised and is based on your vocational astrology profile. It provides you with an astrological perspective of your vocational potential and helps you to reflect on your future options by looking at your life direction, character, income, work and profession.
It is great for anyone who is contemplating a career change or someone who want to know more about their true purpose in life. Am I in the right job? Do I need to make a change? What is my soul purpose and contract for this lifetime? What kind of change, if any, is best?
This report will shed light on these questions and give you indications about your life purpose through which you can find more abundance, joy and sense of fulfillment in your life and vocation.
Your Year Ahead
Your Year Ahead
Would you like to be better prepared for the coming year? In this 30 page Year Ahead Report*, you will see exactly when and how the planets influence you and thus be able to better plan the year ahead and achieve greater synchronicity in life.
Who wouldn't like to know when is the best and the worst time to start that new project, travel or relocate? By recognising your planetary transits and the time periods they are active, you can know the best (and worst) times for important activities and new initiatives. Some transits may last only a day or two while others may last for months.
When you know what kind of influence the planets are exerting on you, you're in a better position to make the right decision.
* Important Note: This report is based on 12 months from your last or your next birthday. For this reason, it is recommended for anyone who had a birthday no more than a few months ago or who is having a birthday sometime in the next couple of months.
Your Goddess Within
Your Goddess Within
This completely personalised 45-page Goddess Within Report contains an insightful introduction to Goddess Mythology and explains in depth how you personally express different goddess energies based on your unique astrological signature. The purpose of this report is to help you get in touch with your own inner Goddess and thereby empower you to live as one! The report focuses on the mystery and power of 12 goddesses that every woman embodies in one way or another.
By reading the report you will connect with your own inner goddess and will come to understand how to embody and express your goddess self. And because you will know which of the goddess archetypes you most embody you will be in a position to better align yourself with your own feminine power.
Special Offer
Take advantage of Paie's special offer and get a personal report for $50. These extensive reports are based on your personal astrological profile so you will need to provide your time, date and place of birth when you order. Simply read through the descriptions above and select your preferred report and then fill-out an order form. Allow one day for preparation and email delivery.